M2i Trainings application has been developed with the objective of delivering high quality trainings through mobile devices. Training methodology will enable more efficient assimilation of concepts through continuous engagement with the learners.
The training modules have been designed by M2i team which brings in substantial theoretical and industry experience. The training modules cover functional area skills as well as soft skills.
M2i Training application enables users to
1. Read study materials
2. Watch videos
3. Take tests, assignments and surveys
M2i's team will actively guide the participants of the training through the modules for maximum effectiveness.
After downloading the M2i Trainings application, you will need to contact your HR team to obtain username and password.
Aplikasi M2i Pelatihan telah dikembangkan dengan tujuan memberikan pelatihan berkualitas tinggi melalui perangkat mobile. metodologi pelatihan akan memungkinkan asimilasi lebih efisien dari konsep melalui keterlibatan terus menerus dengan peserta didik.
Modul pelatihan telah dirancang oleh tim M2i yang membawa substansial pengalaman teoritis dan industri. Modul pelatihan mencakup keterampilan area fungsional serta soft skill.
Aplikasi Pelatihan M2i memungkinkan pengguna untuk
1. Baca bahan studi
2. Menonton video
3. Ambil tes, tugas dan survei
Tim M2i akan aktif membimbing peserta pelatihan melalui modul untuk efektivitas maksimum.
Setelah men-download aplikasi M2i Pelatihan, Anda akan perlu menghubungi tim HR Anda untuk mendapatkan username dan password.